“Leadership starts with the ability to look at oneself honestly and finding in yourself the immense courage that this requires”. - Esteban Reyes, Fellow, 2019 Cohort
It is no secret that 2020 was a year that made visible the great challenges and gaps that we face as a society. In such context, Colombia needs more people working, building and imagining how to change the current dynamics and the systems that, historically, have left the most vulnerable aside. At Acumen Academy we believe that generating change requires different profiles and of the intersections between them. Entrepreneurs: leaders of both for-profit and nonprofit organizations providing critical goods or services to the underserved; organizational builders: leaders (other than the founder or CEO) supporting the growth of institutions combating poverty and injustice; and Intrapreneurs: builders from any sector tackling poverty and injustice from within by shifting the institutional culture-and building new collaborations. Colombia, and the world, is in need of their collective leadership.
Read more about how they are redefining success through their work.
Diana Cortés Cuero
Juan Jorge Cuesta
Juliana Uribe
Its projects include El Avispero, which has managed to link more than 100,000 change agents. She is a Colombian woman who lives at the intersection of social innovation, the digital age, and international relations, as a social entrepreneur, activist, and consultant. During the sanitary crisis, Juliana led the Colombia Cuida Colombia mobilization and communication strategy, an alliance of more than 300 civil society organizations with the aim of mitigating the negative impact of COVID-19.
In 2020, Juliana was chosen by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Wom-En Com Foundation as one of the 30 most influential young women in Colombian politics. In addition, she was chosen by Semana magazine for the “Women who inspire” award in 2014.