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Acumen-IKEA Social Entrepreneurship East Africa Accelerator announces second cohort

Moral leadership and vision are at the center of successful entrepreneurship.
June 02, 2021


The challenges facing today’s world won’t be solved alone. They require courageous innovators and builders who prioritize people and planet over profit, and look to partnership as an essential tool to elevate impact. For the second year, Acumen Academy and IKEA Social Entrepreneurship are partnering to launch the Acumen-IKEA East Africa Accelerator — a program offering hands-on guidance to entrepreneurs driving social change. Led by IKEA’s global team of co-worker coaches, this new cohort will convene to confront the most pressing challenges facing their communities in the areas of education, workforce development, health, agriculture, and more.

Last year’s inaugural cohort pivoted and persevered in a time that tested the willpower of impactful builders across the world. Now — over the course of 5-months —15 East African social enterprises will learn how to craft sustainable business models, scale impact, and foster resilient partnerships of their own. 
Please join us in welcoming a new cohort of organizations who inspire us to continue the push for a more equitable world.
Find out more about the second cohort by visiting IKEA Social Entrepreneurship.